Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri on Tuesday called on the House of Representatives to act on the bills that would create an 'Alcatraz-type' prison facility for persons convicted of heinous crimes, such as murder.
Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri on Tuesday called on the House of Representatives to act on the bills that would create an “Alcatraz-type” prison facility for persons convicted of heinous crimes, such as murder.Zubiri reiterated the need for a separate penitentiary for heinous crime inmates as he called for a “fitting” punishment on Police Master Sergeant Jonel Nuezca for killing his neighbors Sonya and Frank Anthony Gregorio in Paniqui, Tarlac, on Sunday, December 20.
Zubiri said a separate prison facility would serve as a deterrent for the commission of more heinous crimes in the country. Under Senate Bill No. 1055, the maximum penal facility shall be constructed in a secured and isolated location where there will be no unwarranted contact or communication with those outside of the building. Its location would be determined by the Justice Secretary, and could be within a military compound or in an island separate from the mainland.