' Premier male pageant names official candidates '
and Casino. Consisting of mostly young aspiring models from the different provinces, they will vie for six titles at stake.
Pageant producer, PEPPS Foundation, also designated Misters of Filipinas winners Derick Allen Lauchengo as new Mister Model Worldwide, and Romel Ayag as Mister Super Globe Philippines, to represent the country in the 3rd Model Worldwide and Mister Super Globe, respectively. The six titles are Man of the World, Mister Model Worldwide, Mister Tourism & Culture Universe, Mister Model of the Universe, Fitness Model World, and Mister Super Globe. Finals of Misters of Filipinas 2022 will be held on October 16 at Newport Performing Arts Theater, Newport World Resorts.
Miss Progress International’s platform for progress centers on strengthening three critical pillars: Human Rights, Environment, and Health. In line with this, each candidate must present a viable project based on their assigned social theme or “Progress Pillar,” and this year, the Philippine candidate was given the theme of human rights.