Police say they are trying to identify those who allegedly received money from candidates
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CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines – The Philippine National Police said it was investigating allegations of massive vote-buying during the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections in Cagayan de Oro, especially in the city’s most densely populated village, where some voters were reportedly given substantial amounts of money by candidates.
These individuals include netizens who posted allegations of massive vote-buying in Barangay Carmen since October 28.Nestor Banuag, head of the National Movement for Free Elections in the city, claimed that as much as P6,000 each was given to some voters in Carmen, where two local political families clashed.Layug said they have a dedicated team for monitoring social media platforms.
Layug also noted that while allegations on social media are one thing, catching those involved in vote-buying red-handed is much harder.“We will continue our investigation. This will be done even after the elections,” Layug said.