Six Makabayan and two LP legislators say Congress should 'lend its legislative hands and deflect the assault coming from the undemocratic elements of our society.'
Eight opposition lawmakers are calling for a congressional probe into the brutal stabbing of Angelo Karlo Guillen, one of the lawyers in the dozens of petitions filed against the anti-terrorism law.
“The brutal attack on Attorney Guillen, as well as other attacks and killings of lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, are attacks also to all rights defenders and to the legal profession, which demand a thorough and impartial investigation that should be conducted posthaste,” said the lawmakers in HR 1639.before taking his bag and laptop, which contains files on the cases he's handling.
In HR 1639, the opposition legislators said Congress, as representatives of the people, are “duty-bound” to ensure that laws protect the rights of Filipinos, including their lawyers who are also “defenders of the people.”