Seven inmates of New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City died within over 24 hours, the Bureau of Corrections said on Friday. | dexcabalzaINQ
TIGHT GUARDING Raymond Dominguez is escorted to his arraignment on carnapping with homicide case at Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 215. —LYN RILLON
Seven inmates of New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City died within over 24 hours, the Bureau of Corrections said on Friday. The BuCor spokesperson Gabriel Chaclag said three of the dead were from NBP’s maximum security compound, including convicted car thief Raymond Dominguez, one of the primary suspects in the 2011 murder of the son of Arsenio Evangelista, chair of the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption.
The BuCor official said Dominguez was found dead in his cell at Dormitory 2 of the east quadrant of NBP’s maximum security compound at 6:20 a.m on Friday but there were no initial indications of foul play.