Secret's out! Here's what to expect from the dainty Malaysian cake shop, now open at One Ayala Mall serving its famous cakes and Asian dishes.
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The secret is finally out – the all-day dining café from Malaysia is now open daily at the al fresco area of One Ayala Mall’s second level in Makati City, serving the cake shop’s generations-old recipes and both old and new Asian dishes, desserts, and handcrafted drinks. DAINTY AND UNIQUE. Secret Recipe’s quirky charm is evident at the Metro Manila branch, sparing no attention to detail. Steph Arnaldo/Rappler
Spot the pinkish red petals on the ceiling, terrazza countertops, suspended plant box accents, IG-able wall quotes, and oakwood finishes, plus the plush sofa chairs and comfortable group booth seatings!Secret Recipe’s menu is mostly Malaysian and Southeast Asian dishes, with some of them slightly adjusted based on the Filipino palate – lower spice levels and less heat, Sim said. Even the coffee blend is exclusively made for Secret Recipe, using locally-sourced coffee beans.
tastes like a classic mojito, minus the alcohol – it’s a fresh cucumber and basil medley with tropical island syrup and soda water added.