After booking an Olympic slot for Ivory Coast, Maxine Esteban hopes Filipino fencers also get a shot to qualify for the Paris Games in next month’s wild card tournament
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“This is for Cote d’Ivoire, the country that embraced me, believed in me, and supported me all the way, and this is for the Philippines, the country my heart will always beat proud,” said Esteban after clinching the lone African singles spot in the Olympic women’s foil. after being controversially dropped by the Philippine Fencing Association , hopes to see Filipino fencers compete in the Paris Games this July.
Although the naturalized Ivorian fell short in the second round, she still collected enough points from previous Olympic qualifier competitions to directly qualify for the Paris Games. , who has mentored several Olympic gold medalists.“There will be more days of hard work ahead, all to make sure that I won’t be satisfied with just making an appearance at the Paris Olympics but use that grand stage as a chance to compete and test myself again.