Bangsamoro Grand Mufti Abdulraof Guialani has officially declared that the Ramadan fasting month will begin on Tuesday, March 12. This announcement was made after a regional team of lunar observers reported that the crescent moon was not visible on Sunday evening. Other countries, including Australia, India, Oman, Indonesia, and Singapore, have also declared Tuesday as the first day of fasting.
Bangsamoro Grand Mufti Abdulraof Guialani has declared that the start of the Ramadan fasting month will be on Tuesday, March 12. This developed as the crescent moon had not risen visible as of 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, when a regional team of lunar observers officially reported to the Dharul-Ifta’ (House of Opinion) that they have not seen the moon from where they were stationed at several sites in the five-province Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) In his official declaration on Sunday evening, Mufti Guialani also enumerated in his Arabic speech other countries that have also declared Tuesday as their first day of fasting this year. Other sources also named Australia, India, Oman, Indonesia and Singapore, aside from the Philippines, as the countries whose Muslim residents will start fasting on Tuesday. Fasting during Ramadan or ‘sawm’ is the fourth of the Five Pillars of Islam. The other pillars are Declaration of Faith (shahada), Prayers (salat), Donation to the Community (zakat), and Pilgrimage at the Mecca (hajj
Bangsamoro Grand Mufti Ramadan Fasting Muslim Islam