Episcopal Church of the Philippines bishops release a joint statement in support of Cordillera indigenous peoples’ rights activist and development worker Sarah Abellon Alikes
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BAGUIO, Philippine – Leaders of the Episcopal Church of the Philippines , also known as the Anglican Church, have strongly opposed the terrorist designation of one of their members in the Cordillera region. Bishop Rex Reyes of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Luzon presented their statement to Alikes during the Indigenous Peoples’ Month celebration at Easter College in Baguio City on Thursday, October 26.of Alikes, along with Cordillera Peoples Alliance leaders Windel Bolinget, Stephen Tauli, and Jennifer Awingan. This decision came months after anThe bishops pointed out Alikes’ “active participation and leadership” in their local church in Barangay Nayon, Lamut, Ifugao, where she resides.
Alikes, who shared her predicament during the event, welcomed the initiative taken by the ECP leadership.