The author shares their experience of spending a long weekend away from Metro Manila and highlights the necessity of exploring the beautiful country. However, the unpleasant experience at Ninoy Aquino International Airport is mentioned.
AS my birthday provided an excuse for me to enjoy a long weekend, I spent some time away from the metropolis, which was an altogether pleasant experience. Getting away from the commercial and political gravity well of Metro Manila from time to time is a necessity, and as far as I'm concerned, no one who lives here capable of moving around and at least occasionally has a modest amount of disposal income has any valid excuse for not doing it. It's a beautiful country; go see some of it.
Of course, until the new airport in Bulacan is built, if one's journey requires travel by air, it is inevitable that an otherwise enjoyable adventure will be marred to some extent by the thoroughly unpleasant experience that is the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Why the surviving members of the Aquino family did not petition the government long ago to have their famous relative's name taken off that dump is a mystery to me, but I guess some people define self-respect differentl
Weekend Getaway Metro Manila Travel Experience Ninoy Aquino International Airport