Premier Danielle Smith raises concerns about irreversible decisions made by youth regarding transitioning genders and receiving gender-affirming care.
West Virginia University student El Didden holds a vial of testosterone cypionate that is used for hormone therapy on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, in Morgantown, W.Va.can receive gender-affirming care , whether they can use their preferred name and pronoun in school, and their ability to participate in sports. Premier Danielle Smith made the announcement on Wednesday with several questionable assertions made about trans people and transitioning genders .
Smith’s argument suggests that a youth who, by virtue of hormonal changes in puberty, might turn to transitioning gender and might have some irreparable damage done because of surgery or other medical procedure before they reach legal adulthood. “We want to make sure that children do not prematurely make decisions that are going to be irreversible and affect their ability to have sex and affect their ability to have children until they’re of an age where they’re fully responsible for those decisions,” the premier said at a press conference on Thursda
West Virginia University Student Gender-Affirming Care Hormone Therapy Transitioning Genders Irreversible Decisions Premier Danielle Smith