A group of self-styled 'freedom advocates' are travelling to Ontario with mixed objectives — including to 'demand' the RCMP arrest the prime minister — but their final destination is unclear and some leading figures of the February 2022 truck convoy protests question their motives.
The convoy protests of 2022 arriving in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
Another person, who uses the name Normann Blanchfield on Facebook, posted an unsigned letter to the social media platform that claims members of the 2022 convoy movement are "now returning to demand that the RCMP arrest Prime Minister Trudeau for treason because of his unlawful violent vaccine mandates, and his unlawful use of force to break up the protest."
Some others associated with the self-described Freedom Convoy and adjacent movements are also encouraging people to join.Clark announced over the weekend he would be leaving for Ontario on Monday and has since posted updates from the road, reaching Manitoba on Tuesday. Tyson George Billings, who was often seen with convoy organizer Pat King during the original trucker protests, is one of the few prominent figures from the 2022 version promoting the latest plans.