Sen. Rosa Galvez's bill seeks to make banks, insurance companies, pension plans, and other financial institutions more climate-conscious SenCA cdnpoli
Sen. Rosa Galvez’s bill seeks to make banks, insurance companies, pension plans, and other financial institutions more climate-consciousFor over 40 years, Sen. Rosa Galvez worked as an engineer and scientist studying various elements of the environment. After being appointed to the Red Chamber in 2016, Galvez, who is also
the chair of the Senate’s Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, has turned her attention to the financial sector., the Climate-Aligned Finance Act, which seeks to make banks, insurance companies, pension plans, and other financial institutions more climate-conscious.
You introduced Bill S-243 over a year ago, but there was finally some movement last week. Are you expecting the bill to go off to committee soon?