Partygate, refurbishment probe, Pincher affair: Boris Johnson's premiership has been dogged by scandal. DW's mahtabgh charts some of the most damaging events that mired the former Prime Minister in controversy:
What long seemed impossible has finally happened. and step down as prime minister when his replacement is chosen., with two top Cabinet ministers — Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid — quitting within minutes of each other. The move came in response to multiple scandals and posed an unprecedented challenge for Johnson's premiership.
The leader had shaken off so many scandals prior, it seemed as if he were impervious to them. One after another, scandals rocked the United Kingdom, but Johnson miraculously maintained his political standing — leading British media to call him"Teflon Johnson." The complete scandals of Boris Johnson are too many to list, yet he seems to have followed the same playbook in his approach to each: First, he breached the law or tried to bend it in his favor. Then he denied any wrongdoing. When caught he simply doubled down, insisting ignorance until he was forced to give a grudging apology.Most recently, Johnson faced fierce criticism for the way he handled the case against Chris Pincher, a lawmaker accused of sexual harassment.
Johnson finally apologized on Tuesday, stating that"it was a mistake" to appoint Pincher to the government. But the prime minister's overdue apology did little to calm the crisis that ultimately led to his resignation."Partygate" refers to a scandal over parties and events held in government buildings, and which were revealed to have violated the UK's strict COVID-19 lockdown rules.
Initially, Johnson denied being aware of illegal parties. He later said he sincerely believed at the time that gatherings did not break the law but
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