Local activist John Lindsay shares some thoughts, opinions and advice for the city’s new municipal council
As a resident of Sudbury for many years, a representative of several advocacy groups, much varied experience and an observer of the local political scene, I present the following for consideration as the new four-year term is underway. There is a reason to be optimistic with a new mayor and several fresh councillors to start off this four-year term. Many citizens have expressed disappointment with the dysfunctional performance of recent councils with rancour and discord much in evidence.
However, staff contends that proposed new road works are in anticipation of need, not that the need is in evidence at present, and significant population growth to create this need is questionable.
John Lindsay lives in Greater Sudbury. He serves as president of the Minnow Lake Restoration Group, the chair of Friendly to Seniors and Chair of CARP Sudbury. He also sits on the boards of the Ramsey Lake Stewardship Committee and the Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance, and has been chair of the Sudbury Blueberry Festival for more than 30 years.