Frustrated families eager for issue to be dealt with after months-long uproar over educator who wears oversized prosthetic breasts.
Halton families will learn Wednesday what a dress code for teachers could look like, as the board continues to come under pressure from both parents and the province to address the controversy over anAt a meeting Wednesday night, Director of Education Curtis Ennis is to provide an interim update on the upcoming
He said “we can’t dictate what the board does at the end of the day: They are the employer. But we do have a legal voice, and we want to make sure that is exercised.” In an unusual move, the five people who have requested to delegate at Wednesday’s board meeting were asked to provide copies of their speech in advance so the chair and vice-chair could make sure no one identifies individuals.“Confirming in advance that delegations are in accordance with the delegations procedure will help ensure that the meeting proceeds without interruption,” said Heather Francey.