Rather than joining a push towards individualist thinking that’s always asking, “What’s in it for me?“, Gen Z are taking the opportunity to challenge the status quo altogether.
came out obsess over how they think and feel. We want to know what they like, what they don’t like, and what parts of our childhoods they deem to be cool again.
When Greta Thunberg famously addressed the UN, she spoke to a sense of nihilism and showed that for her and the countless young people she inspires, it doesn’t need to be a destructive force. Considering Gen Z’s experience of the world so far, it’s not surprising they’d be drawn to a nihilistic mindset. After all,, when these systems were already well and truly in a state of decay. Governments have been proven to be fragile and corruptible. Participation in organised religion is declining, and ideas like “news” and “truth” have become porous and subjective.
Movements like quiet quitting, bare minimum Mondays and the great resignation show how young people are imagining what life looks like when it’s not dictated by work and wealth. Oper cent of gen Z value a better quality of life over extra money in the bank. They also prioritise mental wellbeing, personal relationships and helping others over career, money and status.