With Malaysia's staggering 73,098 metric tons of plastic waste sullying its seas, its marine splendour is threatened.
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According to a research paper that highlights the top 10 countries emitting plastic pollutants in the waters surrounding them, the list of top contributors is dominated by Asian countries, with the Philippines and India taking the first and second spots, respectively. Environmental experts point out that geographical factors such as coastline length and rainfall patterns exacerbate these countries’ issues.
It’s not just about refusing a straw; it’s about rethinking our daily choices and demanding systemic changes to manage waste. Naturalist and environmentalist Andrew Sebastian on Malaysia grappling with plastic waste. A Plastic Paradox: The U.S. Waste Management Mirage and Malaysia’s Marine Woes This statement echoes a sentiment felt worldwide: plastics are found even in the most remote areas, affecting wildlife and human communities.
This is a COMPLETE FABRICATION! Plastic waste in our oceans comes from containers FILLED with North American "recycled" plastic bound for landfills in Philippines, Malaysia, etc. that fall off ships in stormy weather or from shipwrecks & tidal waves! https://t.co/FBqiNVTRWt