Trees help protect us from the sun Re: “Trees fall along Shelbourne as improvements start on busy Saanich corridor,” Oct 4.
Trees help protect us from the sun Re: “Trees fall along Shelbourne as improvements start on busy Saanich corridor,” Oct 4.
On each major island, two elected trustees, along with a third elected on another island, form a governance body called a Local Trust Committee. They are responsible for all land-use decisions in accordance with the Islands Trust Act, established in 1974 to limit development on the islands and preserve and protect their unique ecosystems.
Many concerned residents have come together under the banner of “Friends of the Gulf Islands” to highlight the need to put the natural environment first when land-use decisions are made, especially as the impact of climate change intensifies. This glib mantra wilfully ignores the simple fact that the current bail system is wholly dictated by federal laws, established by the federal government as well as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As such, the B.C. Attorney General is obliged to administer these laws accordingly.An affront to judicial independence I was astonished to see a Liberal MLA suggest that judges should be told what to do with frequent offenders.
We will never make progress until we focus on a better life for our children, because they are the future.Instead of political conflict, they would choose dialogue, and collaboratively search for solutions.Ask any loving parent what kind of society they want for their children. Then ask them to rise above primitive tribal politics, and proactively get the job done.To build up, build next to Hancock Re: “There is just one choice: We must build up,” letter, Oct. 5.
When you’re retired and well-off like the letter-writer and his idol Gwyn Morgan, you want continued growth of the industrial-capitalist world so that your lifestyle and investments are protected, at least until you die.