Prosecution system is puzzling here I spent 40 years as a prosecutor and defence counsel in Manitoba and then Alberta, with occasional cases in B.C., Saskatchewan, and Ontario.
Throughout that period the B.C. system of prosecutions were looked upon by practitioners in those provinces in wonderment, and frankly were often the butt of jokes.
Funding the justice system isn’t sexy, and the problem runs across all political parties here, but penny-pinching isn’t the answer either. Good governance means paying equal attention to the foundation, the wiring and the plumbing.Campbell River, help the homeless there Campbell River council has possibly become overly concerned about safety on Shoppers Row due to the presence of homeless and street people.
The street people were in the Spirit Square area long before the new residents arrived. The Square appears to be a traditional meeting place for a number of Indigenous people. Elections in Canada at all levels of government do not require having majority support of eligible voters to get elected. This is one of the main reasons, besides being poor or feeling left out, why so many people do not vote. If the person you vote for does not get elected, your vote is redundant. That is not democratic.
Democracy should be about consensus and co-operation and should not be just adversarial gamesmanship. I do not want leaders, I want representatives, the way it was supposed to be.Gulf Islands group has little support Re: “Election an existential moment for the Gulf Islands,” commentary, Oct. 5. Frants misrepresents the Governance Report to be about population ecology, when in truth it is about the governance of how the Islands Trust operates.
I have to wonder, with great concern, what’s the point of voting when our premier is dictating these major decisions for Victoria that should be left to the residents and newly elected council of our city to decide upon?