Quiz candidates on companion animals Adding to the 10 questions to ask real candidates, as instructed recently by Jack Knox , consider two more for those whose voices aren’t making the headlines:2.
Would you support housing services for homeless people to accommodate their companion animals?
Let us read, then think, and then make our votes count in this election! Let us stop worrying about big world far away which we cannot change and focus on the municipality where we live. It seems the Liberals’ memories are short. In 2010, as the governing party, they promised to match every B.C. residents with a family physician. They launched “A GP for Me” initiative with the Doctors of B.C. as one of their election promises.
Fast forward to 2022. For provincial Liberals to now blame the doctor crisis on the NDP when they failed miserably to resolve the problem themselves nearly a decade ago is disingenuous at best. The more we build, the more people will come and along with them, more of the problems we face now, like failing health care, crime, and social disparity, and that is the crisis.
Developers and construction industry are not impoverished – but our city will be, if we let greed lead the way. I don’t see anyone enjoying a stroll along the glaring, gritty cement wind-tunnels between high-rise buildings downtown. I’m not sure what is meant by walk-ability – but I follow the paths of large trees and boulevards, which are rapidly vanishing.Ward system would help in resolving local issues As a conscientious elector, I have spent hours on the 37 candidates seeking election to Victoria council.
I am not voting for six per cent tax increases, trees being cut down, roads in terrible condition, more bike lanes, free electric bikes, and all the other free things and mega projects that should have had money put aside for long ago. The government’s are making millions of dollars every time the price goes up. How about capping the the tax at $2 a litre and give everyone in Canada a break?
Saanich is not in Hawaii. It is a municipality right next to Victoria. Given that it is always smart to know what your neighbours are doing, it seems to me that Alto’s residency in Saanich is an asset for a mayor of Victoria.