Until Sept. 24 of this year, most of us in the local area had never experienced the fury of a powerful Atlantic storm with hurricane-force winds. That was ...
Black Brook Cemetery was particularly hard hit with many tall trees felled. The remnants of what was once an eagle’s nest on one of the tallest trees in the cemetery can be seen near the center of the photo. CONTRIBUTED/KEN MACDONALDUntil Sept. 24 of this year, most of us in the local area had never experienced the fury of a powerful Atlantic storm with hurricane-force winds.
Travelling through Port Morien the day after the storm was almost like travelling through a war zone. Roofing shingles were lost on many homes, wires were down, chimneys toppled and sheds overturned. A garage under construction was totally destroyed. Fallen trees blocked the roads. Neighbouring communities had similar damage, some much more severe.
Probably the closest comparison to Fiona was the Great August Gale of 1873. Today’s sophisticated tracking of hurricanes didn’t exist in 1873, but it was estimated that the storm entered maritime waters with the power of a present-day Category 2 hurricane. That is similar to Fiona. The track was different in that it skirted the coast of Nova Scotia, making landfall in eastern Newfoundland.
Those who struggled to open businesses to provide necessities should be commended. Many had no power and had to accept only cash. Some extended credit if cash was not an option. In some cases, local restaurants as well as community organizations offered meals for free.Dearn’s Corner store, the only store in the area serving the Donkin and Port Morien areas, was open early. Kevin and Arlene Buchanan worked hard to ensure that customers could buy basic supplies.