Republicans in Cochise county who undermined midterm election gain control in critical swing state for 2024
those rumors several times. Tabulation machines in Arizona also go through logic and accuracy tests before elections, and a percentage of ballots are hand-counted after an election to ensure accuracy.
Next came the refusal to certify the county’s results, which could have disenfranchised county residents if their votes were not added to state totals. Judd and Crosby did not vote to certify the election in time, resulting in a lawsuit that sought to compel them to do their official duties. A judge ruled that they had to certify,While voting to certify, Judd said: “I am not ashamed of anything I did.
Before Marra’s departure, the deputy director retired in January, leaving just one employee in the election department. Marra has since beenMarra’s supporters were outraged at her departure. They worry about who would want her old job, considering the problems she faced.