The chaotic mess of cables dangling overhead is commonly seen in big Indonesian cities, but such immature planning can be avoided in Indonesia’s new East Kalimantan capital, say two researchers from Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center.
cable system in Jakarta is estimated to be more than 80,000 km long, which is sufficient to circle the Earth more than twice.
Regulations were issued in 2021 in a bid to untangle part of this problem, requiring that the roll out of various new networks do not interfere with the electricity supply or the structural strength of power poles. But the practical dangers are more pressing for pedestrians and nearby residents, such as the potential for electrical short circuits and fire hazards. Some outages have also been reported due to animal disturbances, including from birds and monkeys.
Instead, a technician can easily do maintenance inside the multi-utility tunnels when a network needs to be fixed or replaced. A single control room with digital monitoring will also make it easier to track down leaks or damage within the system.