This year, the manor features the theme 'Oddities & Curiosities,' and donations collected go to the Musical Comedy Guild
Every Halloween, Moore, the sales and marketing coordinator at Quattro Hotel, decorates the inside of his house from top to bottom: each room featuring something completely different.
Seven rooms have been transformed, from an interdimensional bathroom with portals leading to alternative realities, a cannibal’s feast in the kitchen, the three witches’ apothecary in the attic and the laboratory in the basement. A tour generally consists of telling people about how ideas came up, theming, where props come from, what was made, and how Moore made them. Ironically, Moore isn’t a fan of horror movies. It’s the creative aspect that has him hooked. Along with preparing Birch Street Manor, Moore is assisting with two weddings with Quattro and is actively involved in the theatre community. Currently playing the role of Mal in the Musical Comedy Guild’s production of The Addams Family.